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Borgny er en historieforteller for barn. Trykk på lenkene under, eller på home-knappen, for å finne en tur i nærheten av deg.

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Arctic Train

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Nasjonale turistveger

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Molde kommune

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Walk´n Win

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Norsk Teknisk Museum

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Nore og Uvdal kommune

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Bamble kommune

Bamble kommune ønsker med Voice Of Norway å gi sine fastboende og tilreisende tilgang til de forskjellige historieperlene som ligger som perler på en snor gjennom det fantastiske området på sørlandskysten. Velg hvilken vandrerute du ønsker å utforske nedenfor, så er du i gang!

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Experio Japan

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Åseral kommune

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Vestfossen Grendeutvalg

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Nesset Vekst

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Larvik kommune

Larvik kommune ønsker deg velkommen! Nyt audioguidene som vi har produsert for deg.

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Den Nationale Scene

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Fjord kommune

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Visit Skrova

Velkommen til Skrova! Vi er stolte av å kunne tilby deg spennende lydguide-opplevelser som du sent vil glemme! Velg audioguide-rute nedenfor, så er du i gang!

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Jødisk Museum

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Smøla kommune

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Vanylven kommune

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Scandic Nordkapp

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Tynset kommune

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Peer Gynt AS


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FRAM is the provider of public transport in Møre and Romsdal county and offers the unique concept “Travel like the locals”. “Travel like the locals” are tours that use public transport, i.e. regular buses, ferries and express boats in Møre and Romsdal county in Norway. FRAM have done the planning for you so that you can concentrate on enjoying your trip. You travel on your own - there is no guide or tour leader. On most of the tours you must change several times between different buses/ferries/express boats, and it is up to you to make sure you catch your connections – truly travelling like a local! The tours are set up so that the buses, ferries and boats connect. There are more than 60 trips to choose from , and the trips can be booked on the web site.

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GuideToGo AS

On top of assisting our customers creating wonderful audioguide experiences, we also have a selection of our own home-made audioguides! Welcome to the Guide To Go audioguide universe in the Voice Of Norway app! Enjoy the various tours in your own pace! Bon voyage!

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United Future Lab Norway

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Hardangervidda Senteret

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Norway's best

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Hadeland Glassverk

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Nobels Fredssenter

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NTU Camping

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Vestfold og Telemark fylkesbibliotek

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Besøkssenter rovdyr Østerdalen

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Hotel Ullensvang

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Alvavoll Frukt og Sidergard

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Sola kommune

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Kjørnes Camping

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Vestnes kommune

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Romsdalen AS

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Borgleden Pilegrimssenter AS

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Kristiansund kommune

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Stiftelsen Nordmøre Museum

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Min Ája / Karasjok Camping

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Sveastranda Camping

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Kristiansand feriesenter

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Steinvik Camping

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Sunnmøre museum

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Tromsø Lodge og Camping

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Sande Camping

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Fagernes Camping

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Sandviken Camping

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Dovre Fjellstyre

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Anvikstranda camping

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Hålogaland Teater

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Hvite Busser

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West Norway Travel

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Visit Hammerfest

Experience the Arctic magic - where the midnight sun and the mesmerizing northern lights illuminate your journey into the heart of Arctic wonder. We have collected all our audioguides here for you!

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Det Hanseatiske Museum og Schøtstuene

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Welcome to Roseslottet. Chose your audioguide from the list below!

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Kode Kunstmuseer og Komponisthjem

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Visit Vestfold

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Detektivbyrå nr. 2

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Kongsberg kommune

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Fred. Olsen Cruise Lines

Welcome to the Fred Olsen Cruise Lines audioguide world. Below you can select an audioguide of your choice. Enjoy the magical experience :-) Bon voyage!

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Fagskolen i Viken

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Heim Næringsforening

Velkommen til Heim! Vi er stolte av å kunne tilby deg spennende lydguide-opplevelser som du sent vil glemme! Velg audioguide-rute nedenfor, så er du i gang!

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Reine Rorbuer

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Visit Eidfjord Kf

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Arctic Route by Best Arctic

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Opplev Hellesylt

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Hop On

Welcome to the HopOn city audioguides. In the list below you can select an audioguide of your choice.

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1000 år ved Nidelven

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Johnsen og Johnsen produksjoner SA

Here you will find a collection of audio walks produced by Johnsen & Johnsen Productions SA. More audio walks will be added over time. Select an audio guide below to get started! Have a good trip!

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Ibsenbyen Skien

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Vadsø Næringsforening

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Tranøy fyr

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Vestlandske AS

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The Trail Way

Welcome to Nordland. To the land of the midnight sun, to wild and majestic nature, and local cultural experiences at the gateway to the Arctic north.

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Experience perhaps the world’s most beautiful travel route in Norway, and get to many of the hidden gems along the Coastal Highway from Steinkjer to Bodø.

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Destinasjon Ålesund og Sunnmøre

Welcome to Destination Ålesund & Sunnmøre! Below, you’ll find audio guides covering various themes, both for children and adults. Listen to the stories and enjoy the walks at your own pace. Have a great trip!

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Museene på Bygdøy

Her finner du ruter knyttet til museene på Bygdøy.

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Fjord Service

Welcome to Fjord Service and Jan Hogne Christiansen. Discover guides all over the world at your own pace, with great stories and excellent narrators. Experience the vibrant culture and rich history with our engaging audio guide

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Evje og Hornnes kommune

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Visit Trondheim

Explore Trondheim with GuideToGo Discover the rich history and vibrant culture of Trondheim with GuideToGo's expertly curated routes. Walk through the city's heart with our Nidaros and Medieval Tour, diving into tales of kings, queens, and the majestic Nidaros Cathedral. Relive history on a Journey Through Time, uncovering Trondheim’s fascinating past from the Viking Age to modern times.