Historiske Edøya
Provided by:
Smøla kommune

Edøya er svært rik på kulturhistoriske minner, og flere av disse får du vite mer om på denne turen. Ta deg en pause og bli med tilbake i tid!
Provided by:
Smøla kommune
Edøya er svært rik på kulturhistoriske minner, og flere av disse får du vite mer om på denne turen. Ta deg en pause og bli med tilbake i tid!
Edøya is the second-largest island in the municipality after the main island of Smøla, and has approximately 50 inhabitants. Edøya is strategically located at Trondheimsleia and has been a natural hub since the Middle Ages. Finds have been made of tools dating back to 2500 years BC. and you can see burial mounds in the south on the island. During World War II, the Germans surveilled the ship traffic in the fairway from Edøya. Edøya was a municipality until 1960. In 1989 there was a road and bridge connection with Smøla, and a new ferry port was built. Edøya is very rich in cultural history and several of these historical sites you will discover more about during this tour.
The Guricenter is a regional culture- and coastalpilgrimcenter, and is named after the popular outdoors play "Fru Guri of Edøy". The play is performed every year in week 28, but you can experience a large number of other activities throughout the year as well. You can also rent a bike and get a bite to eat here. The Guricenter also houses an interesting exhibition from the local company "Nekton". This exhibition gives the entire family a chance to learn some of Norway's aquacultural history. New interactive exhibitions in 2021! We hope you will come back to explore Smøla's cultural history in an exciting way. Welcome! (You can of course use the waiting room with its associated facilities all year round)
Høsten 2019 ble det gjort et fantastisk skipsfunn her på Edøya. Skipet, som har fått navnet Edøyskipet, er restene av et skip fra vikingtiden eller merovingertiden. Skipsfunnet fikk stor oppmerksomhet både nasjonalt og internasjonalt. Skipet ble oppdaget etter at området på Edøya ble undersøkt med georadar. Data fra undersøkelsen viste at det befinner seg en skipsform under bakken. Skipet ble funnet under en tidligere gravhaug, her like nord for Edøy gamle kirke. Denne gravhaugen har hatt en diameter på rundt 18 meter, og data fra georadaren antyder at de bevarte delene av skipet har en lengde på minst 13 meter. Ut fra dette kan en anslå at den opprinnelige lengden på skipet har vært 16-17 meter. Restene etter Edøyskipet er ennå ikke gravd ut.
Edøystjerna is one of the mysteries of Smøla. The stones in this star formation are taken from the beaches of Edøya and it is believed that this is a tombstone memorial. Some say that the star symbolizes the world tree Yggdrasil, and that it was made sometime between the year 200 and 800 AD. As a tombstone memorial, Yggdrasil shows that a family consists of both the living and the dead. You can read more about this via the links below.
This old stone church was built around the year 1190. Even though it was buildt of stone, the church burned after a lightning strike in 1887. All of the woodwork was lost, except for the altarpiece. The altarpiece was later sent to Kristiansund for storage, but unfortunately it was destroyed by the german bombs in 1940. The Germans used the ruins of this church during World War II. The bunker below the church is one of few protected bunkers in Norway. After the war, the church was reconstructed, and in 1950 it was inaugurated once again. On the occation of the church's 800th anniversary in 1990, it was refurbished and also provided with a new organ. Today, the beautiful little church is widely used for baptisms, confirmations and weddings.