Smøla - Edøy church
Provided by:
Stiftelsen Nordmøre Museum

Welcome to Smøla! In this audio guide you will get to know Smøla's ancient history related to the surroundings around the Edøy church . You can experience all this through good narrator voices with pictures and text as you approach the different places.
Points of interest

The walk to Rosvoll is around 3 kms from Kuli. You can find the description of the walk here https://morotur.no/ . Here you will meet a mighty landscape, the South Smøla conservation area can be seen from the shelter and photo hut at the top of Rosvollhaugen. The area comprises the outer parts of Jøa, Jøstøløya, Rangneshalvøya og Rosvolløya, in addition to the islands and archipelagos from Olsøysvaet in the North West to Kuløy in the East. From Rosvollhaugen you have a view over the myriad small islands and islets that surround Smøla, and which are characteristic of the island. Maybe they can tempt you to take a kayak tour? This protected coastal landscape is dominated by grasslands, heath lands and beach meadows, where animals have grazed for hundreds of years and have helped to keep the land in good condition. You can find many fishing villages that are deserted, rich kelp forests and seaweed belts. Sea birds, otters and eagles thrive here, and grey geese breed here in large numbers. In 1995 this landscape was named nationally as the cultural landscape of the year. All the vegetation and animal life are protected, and the public are asked to be mindful of that when they visit.

“There lives a pilgrim in all of us” The regional pilgrim’s centre at Smøla is located at the Guri centre. The foyer at the Guri centre is a welcome portal to the pilgrim’s centre. In Smøla there are 3 posts which are pilgrim’s experiences, where you can get stamps. But the stamps are also available in a box next to the entrance of the Guri Centre. The pilgrim’s walks on Smøla are described on information boards right next to the entrance. The first walk is one on Edøya which includes a visit to the Guri centre and a walk in the surrounding cultural heritage area. We highly recommend that you also download the Gjenferd App which will bring the story tellers to life on your phone. The old Edøy church can also be opened to visitors when the Guri Centre is manned. On Kuli there is a walk which runs along the cultural heritage trail on the North side of Kuli and of course takes in a visit to the Kuli stone. The final part of the pilgrim’s path on Smøla is a walk up to Rosvollhaugen on Rosvoll. The details of the walk can be found at www.opplevsmola.com The Pilgrim’s path stretches along the whole of the Norwegian coast and the regional centre at Smøla co-ordinates the 10 key points from Herøy in the South to Indre Fosen in the North. Your next visit from here should be to Hitra and Frøya.