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Audioguide – Life in Fjordgård Past and Present

Provided by:

Johnsen og Johnsen produksjoner SA

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Welcome to Fjordgård! Listen to stories about Fjordgård from your hotelroom, your parked car, from home or wherever you want – or choose to walk the route here in the village, it takes just 40 minutes! People have lived on Senja for thousands of years and you'll be hearing exciting, heart-warming stories of a spirited people's history, culture and daily lives – and also the story of when the village's entire existence was at stake just a few years ago! Press "Download" to download the map, then press "Start". The audio stories will play automatically when you move within the red areas on the map – or you can press the red area manually, and then "play". When the message "Background Location Services are Disabled" appears, chose "allow" and "always" in your phone's settings. We recommend starting at Location 1, "Welcome to Fjordgård". Enjoy :-)

Audio guides available in:
Norsk bokmål, English (British)
Route available for purchase at the Voice of Norway store.

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